Habitat Homeownership

Own a Home... 

Build a brighter future!

A decent and affordable place to live can help families build wealth, save money, invest in education, pursue new opportunities, and have financial stability.

Habitat houses aren't free. A home is an investment that lasts for generations. Every person who partners with Habitat for Humanity of St. Joseph Co MI to become a homeowner is making a personal and financial investment in their future, and the future is bright.

Application process currently closed

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How do you qualify for the Habitat Homeownership Program?

Habitat builds and rehabilitates homes in partnership with families and individuals who are in need of a safe, decent, and affordable place to live. Through an application process, qualified homebuyers are selected to purchase affordable homes that Habitat for Humanity of St. Joseph Co MI builds or rehabilitates.

You must have need for housing.

This program is for people who do not currently own a home and whose current living situation is inadequate in some way.

You must be willing to partner with Habitat.

Habitat homebuyers invest 200 hours of their own labor into building their house and the houses of others and attend a series of classes.


You must have steady income within our income guidelines.

Habitat homes are not free. Habitat homeowners purchase their homes with an affordable mortgage.